Where are you located?

Toronto Coin Shop is located in Toronto, Ontario Canada. We are conveniently located at the corner of Avenue Rd and Eglinton Ave in Toronto. 

What currency is pricing listed in?

All products are listed in Canadian funds. If you are based in the United States our website will automatically convert to United States dollars based on the exchange rate. 

Do you ship internationally?

We do not ship internationally. We only ship to Canada and the United States. 

What is the price for shipping?

Shipping is $8 cad in Canada and $10 cad in the United States. We only charge one shipping cost for multiple items, so it is a benefit to purchase more than one item. All items are shipped with tracking. All orders over $250 include free tracked shipping. Fedex shipping available at extra cost. 

Do you charge tax?

We charge tax only to Canadian residents. We charge the provincial tax rate to all Canadian customers. We do not charge taxes on items purchased from the United States.

Do you buy items?

We are happy to purchase your collectible items for very competitive prices. View What We Buy for a list of the types of items that we purchase.

What is your return policy?

Returns are 100% covered by Toronto Coin Shop if we make a mistake with the order. The customer is responsible for covering any and all return shipping costs, duties, etc. if you change your mind.

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